Initial Assessment £90. Follow-up treatments £150 (two sessions) or £290 (for 4 sessions) or 6 sessions (£360)(will include advice on physical therapy and food/herbal supplements)


    In-depth assessment (diet, existing medical conditions, conventional medicine, exercise, food supplements, herbal medicine, physical restrictions/limitations.


    For beginners to exercise and post injury rehabilitation.

    Pilates (yoga) focussed exercise to improve and build muscular strength, balance, body toning.


    Clinical examination. Health/Injury assessment, Treatment options, Rehabilitation planning. Encompassing Institute of Occupational Health and Safety principles (£450)


    (15 minutes maximum) Telephone Or Online

    For clients : only requiring limited advice; those living outside Birmingham or abroad. Possible treatment options can discussed including referral to another practitioner closer to you.

About Inter X Therapy

  • Treatment technique using electrical stimulation and massage.

  • It can be used to treat (Acute and Chronic): Achilles tendon injuries, Ankle sprains, Golf and Tennis elbow, Carpal tunnel, Muscle and ligament strains, pain (knee, hip, neck and lower back). Osteoarthritis, Repetitive strain injury (RSI), ‘frozen’ shoulder, sciatica.

  • It is non invasive (no needles) and can involve massage/applying stimulation directly onto the skin.

Good Morning Texas InterX Therapy - YouTube

Sports Coaches/Instructor Testimonials.

  • Achilles Tendon Rehabilitation

    In 2015 I had an accident whilst training in martial arts. My left achilles tendon was torn, this I was told at the time was a full rupture. The following years I struggled to get back to full fitness and as one could imagine recovery to the level of a competent martial artist.

    In 2019 Abid spoke to me about a technique he was using that he felt could aid the agility and reduce the swelling of my tendon, admittedly I was a little sceptical at first having been told at one stage that my tendon would never allow me to return to the arts I had enjoyed most of my adult life.

    His treatment was over a number of weeks, and almost immediately I felt the benefits as my achilles felt less tort and the swelling started to reduce.

    Abid’s professional approach in explaining the theory and practical results that I would experience was exemplary and most importantly his prognosis ran true as I slowly but surely started training more competitively since the accident.

    S Willis. (Martial Arts Instructor).

  • Testimonial - John Byrne

    Plantar fasciitis rehabilitation

    I suffered with plantar fasciitis, from playing squash/racketball, which also made it hard to work, being a decorator.

    Having known Abid from the gym, I asked him about it. He gave me a course of treatment, stimulating the area with electrical pulses. This was very painful at first due to deep seated inflammation but reducing with each treatment.

    This allowed me to continue working & eventually get back to playing squash, with no reoccurrence.

    While dubious at first, never having had this type of treatment before, Abid allayed any fears I might have had, with his knowledge & assurance in this method; the results speaking for themselves.

    John Byrne (Racket-ball Coach).

  • Herbal tea for health improvements

    I am a personal trainer and had overworked my body during the summer months due to work and being a mother of two young children, which led me to neglecting my health and wellbeing.

    I attended a consultation with my husband for support me.

    My main concern was about my fatigue levels. I was asked lots of questions and prescribed a herbal tea made up from several herbs for two weeks. Thankfully I regained my energy levels, my issues that had been lingering were resolved. I also took Abid’s advice on how to maintain my energy levels.

    I have not had any issues since, and advice was priceless for my health and wellbeing.

    Hajira Mohamed (Personal Trainer).

Testimonials for common ailments treated

  • Gout problems (treated with herbal medicine and Inter X Therapy)

    I actually still can not believe that with just three treatments my gout problems (using the Inter X machine and herbal medicine) have gone. My diet has changed as I was told about purines and alcohol complications.

    I was walking funny as my knees were hurting so much. This did not bode well for the long 12 hour shift work. I was very sceptical at first, to be honest. I am walking pain free and not taking the pain-killers that were giving me a dodgy stomach.

    Regards Kevin

  • Calf muscle tear (Treated with massage and sports tape)

    I do a driving job. I was struggling with a calf problem when pressing the accelerator pedal.

    I was wearing a bandage for the pain and swelling developed. I needed some help beyond that.

    Abid treated my calf muscle once and gave me exercises. I have to say it was painful and I was warned beforehand that scar tissue has formed and had to be broken down. Immediately after the treatment I did away with the bandage and felt relief. I had struggled for weeks needlessly.

    Abid advised that the other calf muscle can react during rehab work, as it has helped take the strain upto now. So far no issues so am grateful for his help.

    Thanks Musa

  • Knee problems (treated with inter x therapy and herbal medicine)

    I am writing on behalf of my mother. She has suffered knee problems for years and is nearly 70 years old. Firstly, Abid performed mobile visits to our home. That helped a lot. He did not rush. He was respectful to my mother suffering pain. He slowly explained things and did his work. There has been good improvement. I think if my mother can lose weight as she has put on weight, she will benefit further. No needles being used, was good and my mother has got used to the electrical pulsing sensation.


Appointment times

Mon 9am to 1pm

Tues 9am to 1pm

Weds 9am to 1pm

Thurs 9am to 1pm

Service available to you.

  • Mobile service – within a two mile radius of South Birmingham.

  • Knowledge of herbal medicine, pain therapy, massage and physical therapy to provide holistic support.

  • Realistic advice and no rushing through treatment plans

  • Willingness to work alongside your General Practitioner.

  • Where appropriate, naturopathic methods are combined to pursue health/lifestyle improvements.


your journey



(click on + for pricing information)
  • (15 minutes) £10

  • Follow-up treatments £150 (two sessions) or £290 (for 4 sessions) or 6 sessions £360 (will include advice on physical therapy and food/herbal supplements).

  • First Appointment £90. Follow-up appointments £40. Probable weekly herbal medicine/food supplement costs £25 per week.

  • First appointment £60. Package of 10 (one to one) sessions £450 (will include advice on food/supplements).

  • £450

Other information

Do not delay booking appointments with your doctor in case of serious illness.

Adults with epilepsy; cancer; pacemakers; pregnant ladies and children, are a list of people that can not be treated.

Dry Cupping - This treatment is only provided in conjunction with other treatments at discretion of practitioner.